Thursday, February 27, 2014

‘Glitch’ Blamed for Davidson County Overcharging Property Tax Bills

Davidson County officials have announced that a glitch is to blame for some county residents being overcharged on their vehicle tag tax bill. A new tag and tax law was started in July 2013 in North Carolina that made it mandatory for vehicle owners to pay vehicle property taxes when they purchase or renew a license tag. The glitch occurred due to the new software, which pulls addresses from the state system. If the addresses do not match exactly, by default the highest municipal tax rate in the county will be assessed on the vehicle tax bill. Prior to the new law, the county was averaging about 10 errors per month out of approximately 13,000 monthly bills. But now the county is averaging 60 refund requests each month due to the glitch. This glitch only affects vehicle property tax bills. Davidson county residents are urged to look at their bills, and contact the Davidson County Tax Office at 336-242-2160 as soon as possible if they notice the wrong tax rate listed.
518 Arbor Hill Rd.
Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338
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