Monday, January 20, 2014

Home Office Deductions-A Simplified Method

The Internal Revenue Service has introduced a new, simplified method for taxpayers to use when calculating their home office deductions. The new simplified option allows you to deduct $5 per every square foot, with the maximum square footage of the home office being 300 square feet, for a maximum deduction of $1,500. Through this simple option, there is no need to identify or calculate the actual expenses that will be attributed to the home office.
The simplified deduction is much easier to calculate than the older expense method, which involves filling out Form 8829 and listing each and every expense calculated from your monthly expenses for the home.
Whichever option you decide to pursue, there are requirements that must be met.
·         There must be a room in your home that is dedicated exclusively to work. This space cannot be shared for other purposes. This room must be regularly used exclusively for work purposes.
·         Your home office must be the only work place you have. If you have an office outside of your home where you can work, you will not qualify for this deduction.
·         If you receive reimbursement from your employer or an expense allowance for your home office, you are not eligible.
The simplified deduction requires less time and effort than the traditional method, but may produce a lower amount available for deductions.
Linked below are websites with more information regarding the options for calculating home office deduction:
If you have any questions about home office deductions and your options, please contact us.
518 Arbor Hill Rd.
 Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338


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